Thursday, March 14, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S IV: Everything New is Old Again

  • Exactly like the Samsung Galaxy III except its just thinner and the screen is a half inch bigger
  • Rumor that you can operate it with your eyes is false. It only knows if your looking down at it, but that feature doesn't work efficiently.
  • Samsung Galaxy S IV does have the new health track app that tracks the amount of steps and stairs you walk, and the amount of calories you take in and burn
  • Also, has air view/gestures where you can hover over your phone to preview information on your phone, but it doesn't work that well and the idea was stolen from the Galaxy Note II
  • Includes Cinema photo, dual camera shooting, and Drama shot
  • Overall impression from critics is that it is to much like the Samsung Galaxy III, except with a few changes that at times don't even work the best
For more information about this article click here.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Do Now 3-1-13

If I could travel back in time I would go to the late 60's, when my mom and aunts were my age. I would want to travel back to this time so I could travel to France with them to see my family there. Every summer they would go together to France visiting my great grandparents and do some site seeing. They would go to Paris and Luxembourg, which is where my family is from. I would be able to see France and my family, whom I have never met before. Along with seeing family, I would get to go to neighboring countries like my mom and aunts did when they went to France. I don't think I would want to take anything back with me and  I definitely wouldn't try to  change the past so the future is different.