Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to Incorporate Instagram into Education!

1.) Photo Essay or Journal: students can take pictures of things that have to deal with a certain sub just, such as health or math, and write a captain explaining the picture and its relation to the subject.

2.) Teachers Can Assign Writing Prompts With Photos: teachers can post pictures on Instagram that students have to write about the picture or create a story based on the picture.

3.) Students Can Use Instagram as a Journal for Tracking Data: throughout a science, math, or art project students can record their progress and the different steps of the project through pictures and post them on Instagram so teachers see the students progress.

4.) Teachers Can Show Student Progress Through Instagram: teachers can post pictures of students in the classroom, activities, and achievements that they accomplished.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

RSS Assignment

1.) I selected these sites to subscribe to because they all contained interesting information and articles that had to do with my hobbies, government, and news about the world and America and its information I want to be updated about.

2.) It wasn't easy to find websites that had rss feeds, but those that did were easy to subscribe to. The symbol for the rss feed was easy to find on the website and subscribing was easy because all you had to do was copy and paste.

3.) My favorite sites that I found were the Food Network blog, the art theft articles from the FBI website, and the Science Daily articles about marine biology.

4.) You can use rss feeds to get information about the events going on in school and stay updated with news about the world or politics.

5.) I would keep using rss feeds because it provides new articles from the websites I subscribed to and is updated the with newest information released. Also, I get information about my hobbies and interests without having to search for it on several different websites.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wiki Recap

Another topic that would be interesting for groups of people around our age would be technology. More specifically apple products. Doing a wiki about apple products would be a good topic because most people purchase apple products and they have become a neccessity in our daily lives now. Other pages that could branch out from the home page would include iphone, ipod, and ipad informations, as well as information about mac computers. The home page would be an overview and history about the company. Each page would have about fifteen to eighteen bullet points and two to three sentences in the begining as an introduction to the information. I would only have this much infomation to keep it short and only provide important points about the products.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dish Offers to Buy Sprint, Joining Phone to TV Service

  • Dish network wants to combine with Sprint so they could offer both high-speed internet at home and wireless
  • They offered Sprint $25.5 billion so they could provide internet and cellphone service for their costumers at a more affordable price 
  • Dish Network hopes to beat the offer that Sprint got by a Japanese telecommunications company Softbank, which offered them a bid of $20 billion
  • Dish Network said it would be able to combine its existing broadband and TV offerings with Sprint Nextel’s cellphone operations, allowing it to better compete with rivals like Verizon
  • A combination with Dish Networks would pose more of a threat to AT&T and Verizon
  • If the bid goes through Dish Network would also take over Clearwire, another wireless operator that Sprint owns
For more information about the article click here.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Multiple-Display Software Follows Your Gaze to Keep Your Focused

  • With the aid of an eye-tracking program,researchers at the University of St. Andrews created a software to dim and freeze monitors the user is no longer focused on and adjust the highlighted display.
  • When the users eyes move to another tab on the screen the monitor responds 
  • 98% accuracy at detecting lines of vision
  • the most successful program is the "Pixmap" technique, that highlights information on a pixel level, offers the most effective balance in information density and level of intrusiveness.
  •  With these types of attention-focusing techniques, users don't have to worry as much about what they might be missing on other screens, which leads to less frantic eye darting
For more info click here.