Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Dish Offers to Buy Sprint, Joining Phone to TV Service

  • Dish network wants to combine with Sprint so they could offer both high-speed internet at home and wireless
  • They offered Sprint $25.5 billion so they could provide internet and cellphone service for their costumers at a more affordable price 
  • Dish Network hopes to beat the offer that Sprint got by a Japanese telecommunications company Softbank, which offered them a bid of $20 billion
  • Dish Network said it would be able to combine its existing broadband and TV offerings with Sprint Nextel’s cellphone operations, allowing it to better compete with rivals like Verizon
  • A combination with Dish Networks would pose more of a threat to AT&T and Verizon
  • If the bid goes through Dish Network would also take over Clearwire, another wireless operator that Sprint owns
For more information about the article click here.

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